Thursday, 16 December 2010


sedikit menguak cerita lama, sedikit menyolek luka lama, sedikit melakukan 'dosa'...

hari ini tanpa sengaja (beneran ga sengaja) buka safe box (mestinya aq kasi tulisan restricted and dangerous kali yah). jadi inget masa2 'itu'.eww....sedikit bikin sakit kepala. skarang cuma bisa take a deep breath and put it off (at least i didn't do anything studip thing.hew..i really don't loook fit in on that face)

i just realize how stupid human when they falling in love. kalo jennifer berman bilang: hidup berpasangan seringkali membuat otak mengecil jadi seukuran kacang ijo. maybe she's right. we'll do anything, expected nothing when we're in love. otak berjungkir balik di saat seharusnya siap siaga. in the end, we'll do stupid things when it's over.hupf...

to me, he's not complicated. he just hide himself (hope he's happy with his life). he's a big liar, i guarantee it. what kind of lieness when a guy said that he left the girl for her goodness? and everything about me and him just unreal. we're not couple, fyi.

why'd i too kind to him? that's my stupidness. hahahaha.... even until now i still laughing on that irony. he didn't even see me, his mind was faraway out there. big foolishness, i still hoping another possible situation. even after he over it, end it. dump me like a trash. once again, i'm laughing at the irony.another my foolishness, i still feel sad and disappointed, and dumped. why can't i just start over just like what he did? maybe i should stop thinking that i'm a victim

but the good news is that i don't need to see him everyday. can i say good bye now?


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Thursday, 16 December 2010


sedikit menguak cerita lama, sedikit menyolek luka lama, sedikit melakukan 'dosa'...

hari ini tanpa sengaja (beneran ga sengaja) buka safe box (mestinya aq kasi tulisan restricted and dangerous kali yah). jadi inget masa2 'itu'.eww....sedikit bikin sakit kepala. skarang cuma bisa take a deep breath and put it off (at least i didn't do anything studip thing.hew..i really don't loook fit in on that face)

i just realize how stupid human when they falling in love. kalo jennifer berman bilang: hidup berpasangan seringkali membuat otak mengecil jadi seukuran kacang ijo. maybe she's right. we'll do anything, expected nothing when we're in love. otak berjungkir balik di saat seharusnya siap siaga. in the end, we'll do stupid things when it's over.hupf...

to me, he's not complicated. he just hide himself (hope he's happy with his life). he's a big liar, i guarantee it. what kind of lieness when a guy said that he left the girl for her goodness? and everything about me and him just unreal. we're not couple, fyi.

why'd i too kind to him? that's my stupidness. hahahaha.... even until now i still laughing on that irony. he didn't even see me, his mind was faraway out there. big foolishness, i still hoping another possible situation. even after he over it, end it. dump me like a trash. once again, i'm laughing at the irony.another my foolishness, i still feel sad and disappointed, and dumped. why can't i just start over just like what he did? maybe i should stop thinking that i'm a victim

but the good news is that i don't need to see him everyday. can i say good bye now?

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